
The role of anaerobic technology, wet anaerobic manufacturers for you to solve

发布时间:2022-09-05 11:58

Wet anaerobic manufacturers believe that anaerobic fermentation is the metabolism of a variety of anaerobic microorganisms (including anaerobic organic decomposing bacteria/non-methanogenic anaerobic microorganisms, methanogenic bacteria, etc.), which decompose materials into methane, carbon dioxide and fermentation residues (biogas residue, biogas slurry). According to the solid content of the fermentation material, anaerobic fermentation can be divided into wet anaerobic fermentation and dry anaerobic fermentation. The solid content of wet anaerobic fermentation is generally below 15%, and the solid content of dry anaerobic fermentation device is generally above 18%.

wet anaerobicThe manufacturer thinksAnaerobic fermentation is a variety of anaerobic microorganisms(including anaerobic organic decomposition bacteria/non-methanogenic anaerobic microorganisms, methanogens, etc.) metabolism, the material is decomposed into methane, carbon dioxide and fermentation residue (biogas residue, biogas slurry). According to the solid content of the fermentation material, anaerobic fermentation can be divided into wet anaerobic fermentation and dry anaerobic fermentation. The solid content of wet anaerobic fermentation is generally below 15%, and the solid content of dry anaerobic fermentation device is generally above 18%.


wet anaerobicThe manufacturer thinksThere is no significant difference between the two processes and both are used."Dry/wet anaerobic systems for pretreatment systems". However, due to the difference in solid content, the reactor structure, residence time, common reaction temperature and biogas production of the two processes have certain differences. In practice, wet anaerobic technology is more mature than dry technology. At present, most of the kitchen waste treatment plants in China have adopted wet anaerobic technology. However, in recent years, with the advancement of domestic waste classification and the continuous maturity of technology, more and more projects have adopted dry anaerobic fermentation technology.

wet anaerobicThe manufacturer thinksThe centralized and decentralized treatment facilities for kitchen waste need to be combined with the changes in the characteristics of kitchen waste after classification to further optimize and demonstrate the process route, especially on the basis of anaerobic process, focusing on the way out of organic solid residue and biogas residue, so as to improve the resource utilization rate of the project. At the same time, we should pay attention to the odor control in the process of kitchen waste treatment and strengthen the control measures. The complexity of the composition of kitchen waste determines that a single treatment technology is difficult to achieve high efficiency and high output. Therefore, it is an inevitable treatment idea to separate the components of kitchen waste and comprehensively apply a variety of treatment technologies.

wet anaerobicThe manufacturer thinksThe development of kitchen waste treatment technology mainly focuses on filling the deficiency of anaerobic fermentation and aerobic composting technology. Various biotransformation technologies have received more and more attention and developed rapidly in recent years, but the degree of equipment automation, process stability and high-value utilization of products still need further research. The development of some new treatment technologies mainly focuses on the high-value extraction and utilization of food waste components, many of which are used as chemical products, but mainly rely on biological transformation, such as the preparation of acetic acid, lactic acid, high-grade fatty acids, polymerization production of supramolecular materials(such as gel material) and so on. Most of these processes belong to fermentation, but the target product is not the production of methane. Reuse of derivatives produced by the mainstream process of kitchen waste, such as research on fertilizer products of biogas residue, research on concrete made from biogas residue and fly ash, ethanol made from biogas residue, particleboard made from biogas residue, synthesis gas made from biogas residue after pyrolysis and gasification, bio-oil, bio-carbon, etc. Resource utilization of biogas slurry, such as recycling production of ethanol, struvite and liquid fertilizer.

wet anaerobicThe manufacturer thinksWith the continuous improvement of kitchen waste resource treatment technology and the improvement of management laws and regulations, we should continue to carry out a variety of technical integration practices and innovations around kitchen waste treatment in the future, so as to achieve the goal of efficient utilization and harmless treatment of kitchen waste.