Dry anaerobic fermentation principle and characteristics, STRABAG manufacturers to explain for you
发布时间:2022-11-10 17:28
STRABAGThe manufacturer thinksKitchen waste refers to the garbage generated by residents in daily life, food processing, kitchen services, unit meals and other activities, including household kitchen waste, kitchen waste and other kitchen waste. It has the characteristics of high water content and high organic matter content, which is perishable and produces stench, threatening the urban living environment and residents' health.
STRABAGThe manufacturer thinksAt present, the domestic kitchen waste treatment technology mainly includes aerobic fermentation technology, anaerobic digestion technology, dehydration and co-incineration technology, biological(such as black fly and housefly) transformation technology. According to statistics, among the kitchen waste treatment facilities that have been built and under construction in my country, anaerobic digestion processes account for about 87.5 percent of the total, and the remaining processes account for only 12.5 percent.
STRABAGThe manufacturer thinksAnaerobic fermentation is a variety of anaerobic microorganisms(including anaerobic organic decomposition bacteria/non-methanogenic anaerobic microorganisms, methanogens, etc.) metabolism, the material is decomposed into methane, carbon dioxide and fermentation residue (biogas residue, biogas slurry). According to the solid content of the fermentation material, anaerobic fermentation can be divided into wet anaerobic fermentation and dry anaerobic fermentation.
STRABAGThe manufacturer thinksThe solid content of wet anaerobic fermentation is generallyBelow 15%, the solid content of dry anaerobic fermentation device is generally above 18%. There is no obvious difference between the two processes, and both adopt "dry/wet anaerobic system of pretreatment system". However, due to the difference in solid content, the reactor structure, residence time, common reaction temperature and biogas production of the two processes have certain differences. In practice, wet anaerobic technology is more mature than dry technology. At present, most of the kitchen waste treatment plants in China have adopted wet anaerobic technology. However, in recent years, with the advancement of domestic waste classification and the continuous maturity of technology, more and more projects have adopted dry anaerobic fermentation technology.
STRABAGThe manufacturer thinksComposting is also a common resource treatment method for kitchen waste. The principle is: under controlled conditions, the use of microbial degradation, to achieve the decomposition and transformation of kitchen waste, water, soil humus,CO2 and other gases. According to the different ways of composting, composting technology can be divided into site composting and closed device composting (biochemical machine). In practical applications, many composting processes use the closed device composting process (biochemical machine) in the main fermentation stage, while the on-site accumulation composting process is used in the secondary fermentation stage. At present, the application of kitchen waste fertilizer products in greening and agriculture/forestry is still in its infancy, lack of systematic quality evaluation system, it is difficult to promote the application of commercial.
STRABAGThe manufacturer thinksBioconversion technology is the biological transformation of food waste by insects to retain the essence of protein and avoid feed treatment."Homologous pollution effect" to eliminate safety hazards. Insects, such as black flies and maggots, are often used as vehicles for biotransformation techniques. Insect larvae can be dried to extract insect protein, insect oil, etc.